понедельник, 4 апреля 2011 г.

Re: Comedy and comedians

I have always said that I don't like comedy as a genre of cinematography. I don't find Adam Sandler and Chris Tucker funny. I'd rather watch some melancholic and thoughtful stuff by a little-known Asian cinematographer than chuckle at the funy lines by Woody Allen characters. I don't understand the secret behind the success of Eddie Murphy films. I simply can't enjoy comedy.

That said, my favourite writers and speakers are all comedians. I deeply enjoy every word uttered (and written) by George Carlin. My favourite columnist is Charlie Brooker and I like reading Rod Liddle's pieces full of profane humour (although I don't always subscribe to Rod's ideas in general). Stephen Fry is among my all time favourites, not only in TV, but also in books and other stuff. And there are many others who I cannot remember right now, but who are there.

Is it me, or is there something wrong with comedy films?

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